Friday, 4 September 2009

Writing, writing, writing...

Have not been on because of work, drama, writing, and sickness. And not particularly in that order, as am still dealing with all of the above.

BUT. I did finish a fic, so I thought I'd post the link here.

Title: Sand and Surf
Author: Gypsy Lupin-Black AKA Merrov AKA Padfootthegrim
Pairing: Sheppard/Zelenka
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: If I owned them, Stargate Atlantis probably wouldn’t be suitable for general consumption. I also do not own the song. It's Jump in the Sea by The Young Dubliners.
A/N: This is a graphic SLASH story. If you do not wish to read about Radek and John nomping away happily on a beach, please leave now. Thanks to my betas glory2elves, Ferryman, Fannywankenobi, and TheWelcomeStranger!


So... enjoy. :P

Also got my fic challenge for the Jack/Daniel ficathon, and am participating in this round of Last Fic Writer Standing SGA GEN LiveJournal contest. I'll say more when the ficathon and competition are over about those, and I'll probably post those fics and drabbles here too.

It was sunny and beautiful outside today, and I'm too fracking sick to enjoy it. Have almost no voice at the moment, and my throat is like sandpaper. >.< Am on antibiotics, here's hoping they help.

Cheers all!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

A Change In The Season

Well, it's officially Fair time in Fairbanks... that means that the hot part of summer is over. Inevitably, the first day of the Tannana Valley State Fair is also the day the rain comes back. You could set your seasonal clock by it every year.

The coming of the fair also means that College road is much busier than usual, and it's the one time of year you want to make sure your doors are locked and that you're not out alone at night. Everybody is drunk or on drugs right about now, and the lowlifes migrate from South Cushman and the other seedy parts of town and descend upon the fair.

The clinic is still crazy. We'll be that way until the snow starts to fall. Today's excitement included acute renal failure, antifreeze ingestion, a gastric foreign body surgery, a giant laceration repair, a cute vomiting puppy, a limping dog, a overweight old cat that wasn't feeling well, hysterical owners, know it all owners, patient owners, wonderful owners who will do anything for their pets, and responsible owners. So we've had quite a range today, and the clinic was a mess at the end of my shift. Nothing was particularly quick and easy today, but so far has all been fairly fixable. Just complicated and expensive.

Believe that is it for now. Am off to do some writing and snuggle with my own neglected hounds. Worked a ten hour shift today, so the boys are all super cuddly and playful tonight, having been stuck in their kennels for most of the day.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Just a short one

So just a short post today. Still recovering from a dramatic, death filled weekend at work. Have two more shifts before my days off. Hope they're better.

Am officially not smoking anymore. OMG.

Actually am doing fairly well with it, so far...

But that's all for now. Must turn what little creative brain power I have at the moment to finishing the final chapter of Adapting, which I said I would have posted yesterday. Heh.

Cheers all.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Semi-interesting case...

mammary tumor

Saw a dog tonight with a mammary tumor bigger than two fists. But that wasn't the most impressive part. The tumor had burst (always a bad sign) and that's why we got to see the dog tonight. The pic is comparable to what we saw, though it was on a Rott cross, and, obviously, open and bleeding.

Just remember, with the amount of sickness and death those of us in my line of work see on a daily basis, we end up with a rather twisted sense of humor. And 'interesting' takes on a whole new meaning with us!

Other than that, it was an easy and fixable night at the clinic. A much needed reprieve from the crazy weekend! We only saw the tumor dog, a dog with an allergic reaction, and a cat who just needed her stitches rechecked. Lots of phone calls, but no one interested in coming in.

So a short post tonight! And sorry if the picture disturbs anyone, but the top of my blog does say 'Not just stories with ribcages in them!' And I wasnt just talking about Firefly when I put that there! :-P

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Summertime at the Emergency Clinic

Woof! Boy has work kicked my butt this weekend! Feels good to finally be able to sit down after a whole shift of running crazy.

Yesterday was even worse... the 1230-1830 shift (usually the quiet one) was rocking, and we had three overnighters and two outpatients when I got on at 1830... we ended up hospitalizing another one and had walk-ins and phone calls out the ears all night. Nothing got cleaned on my shift, nothing got restocked. Felt bad for the Graveyard shift, because they'd have to patch the clinic back up!

Then got in today for the 1230 shift and discovered they were already rocking again! Today was more outpatient treatments and discharges of the hospitalized patients from yesterday... and more phone calls. Not many walk-ins, which was great. I dont even think we ended up having to euthanize many patients this weekend (YAY).

Managed to get the clinic mostly cleaned and restocked before Z came on at 1830... I'm hoping that everything they get for tonight is all easy and fixable.

That's our motto, by the way. Easy and Fixable. We like those. We'll take porcupine quillings, foxtails, lacerations and abscesses over bloat, parvo, and cancer any day of the week!

Have already dog parked today, so now it's time to continue on with chapter 29 of Adapting. This could be interesting, as I'm used to the drabble format for this particular story's chapters, and 29 and 30 are both going to be probably about 5-8 pages at least. Here goes! **dives in**

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Fire Season!

05 Sheenjek River near Fort Yukon, Alaska
07 Anaktuvuk River fire

Top one is a 2005 fire along the Sheenjek River near Fort Yukon, Alaska. Second one is a 2007 tundra fire along the Anaktuvuk River.

Well, fire season is upon us Alaskans again... with something like 400+ fires currently burning, I have to say we beat out Cali and other fire states acre for acre every year. Their fires just threaten populated areas more than ours do.

Fairbanks is smoky these days, since the wind changed, blowing the smoke up from fire about 40 miles south of us. Today, the smoke isn't so visible on ground level, though the sun is red from all of it in the atmosphere. The smell is about midrange today, but the true annoyance? Falling ash. This cannot be good for one's health!

To work in a few hours, but before that I'm off to the dog park.

Have two chapters of Adapting left before I'm calling that fic complete! Will probably post chapter 29 on Wednesday.

Think that's it for now!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Back to work

Started work again today. Kicked it all off with a 12 hour shift! Actually not a bad thing though. Was very happy to be back at work, earning money and all that jazz... It's summer, which means that we see a lot of patients, which is great, both for income and boredom factors! :-P

Anyway, what did we see today? We had one dog in the kennels that was a post-op bladder surgery. He was just in recovery when I came on shift, so pretty easy, really. We saw two dogs that were quilled by porcupines-- one of them was REALLY bad, like he'd gone up and tried to maul it. Quills all over his face, chest, shoulders, feet, inside his mouth.. ouch!

We saw a cat with a urinary tract infection (UTI), a dog with possible seizures, a sick puppy, a lame puppy, an ACD with a swollen eye, a cat who skinned his feet climbing up a tree (he was running from dogs). We even mostly got paid today, YAY.

Anyway, no really *interesting* stories to relate from the animal care trenches today, so I'll cut this short. Must to type up and post chapter 25 of Adapting... then probably off to bed, as it's about 0300 now.

Cheers all!