Sunday, 9 August 2009

A Change In The Season

Well, it's officially Fair time in Fairbanks... that means that the hot part of summer is over. Inevitably, the first day of the Tannana Valley State Fair is also the day the rain comes back. You could set your seasonal clock by it every year.

The coming of the fair also means that College road is much busier than usual, and it's the one time of year you want to make sure your doors are locked and that you're not out alone at night. Everybody is drunk or on drugs right about now, and the lowlifes migrate from South Cushman and the other seedy parts of town and descend upon the fair.

The clinic is still crazy. We'll be that way until the snow starts to fall. Today's excitement included acute renal failure, antifreeze ingestion, a gastric foreign body surgery, a giant laceration repair, a cute vomiting puppy, a limping dog, a overweight old cat that wasn't feeling well, hysterical owners, know it all owners, patient owners, wonderful owners who will do anything for their pets, and responsible owners. So we've had quite a range today, and the clinic was a mess at the end of my shift. Nothing was particularly quick and easy today, but so far has all been fairly fixable. Just complicated and expensive.

Believe that is it for now. Am off to do some writing and snuggle with my own neglected hounds. Worked a ten hour shift today, so the boys are all super cuddly and playful tonight, having been stuck in their kennels for most of the day.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Just a short one

So just a short post today. Still recovering from a dramatic, death filled weekend at work. Have two more shifts before my days off. Hope they're better.

Am officially not smoking anymore. OMG.

Actually am doing fairly well with it, so far...

But that's all for now. Must turn what little creative brain power I have at the moment to finishing the final chapter of Adapting, which I said I would have posted yesterday. Heh.

Cheers all.