Friday, 4 September 2009

Writing, writing, writing...

Have not been on because of work, drama, writing, and sickness. And not particularly in that order, as am still dealing with all of the above.

BUT. I did finish a fic, so I thought I'd post the link here.

Title: Sand and Surf
Author: Gypsy Lupin-Black AKA Merrov AKA Padfootthegrim
Pairing: Sheppard/Zelenka
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: If I owned them, Stargate Atlantis probably wouldn’t be suitable for general consumption. I also do not own the song. It's Jump in the Sea by The Young Dubliners.
A/N: This is a graphic SLASH story. If you do not wish to read about Radek and John nomping away happily on a beach, please leave now. Thanks to my betas glory2elves, Ferryman, Fannywankenobi, and TheWelcomeStranger!


So... enjoy. :P

Also got my fic challenge for the Jack/Daniel ficathon, and am participating in this round of Last Fic Writer Standing SGA GEN LiveJournal contest. I'll say more when the ficathon and competition are over about those, and I'll probably post those fics and drabbles here too.

It was sunny and beautiful outside today, and I'm too fracking sick to enjoy it. Have almost no voice at the moment, and my throat is like sandpaper. >.< Am on antibiotics, here's hoping they help.

Cheers all!