Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Scarva Day Parade, Back to AK!

Kilted Drummers!

Very Protestant thing, the parades on the 12th and 13th (13th and 14th this year, as the 12th was a Sunday) in Northern Ireland. But interesting to see, nonetheless.

I'm spending the day packing, repacking, making sure I don't forget anything, writing, socializing with everyone, repacking a third time (just to be sure!), and then at around 0300 Wednesday morning, I board the bus to Dublin, and begin the journey back across the pond. Detouring from Dublin to Frankfurt, where I'll spend 24 hours, I board my Condor flight on Thursday morning and zip! Right over the pole and home! Very excited.

So next post will be once I'm settled back in! Cheers all!


  1. I love the pic. The closest I ever got to Northern Ireland was my sophomore roommate in college. She was from Belfast so she was. :-)

  2. :-) Loved Belfast! I'm so glad I went on this trip, to be honest. It's been a dream of mine for ages and I'd just about given up hope on it. Finally just decided, 'if I dont just buck up and do it, it'll never happen.' So off I went, lol!
